Commercial Airline Support

Airline Medical Support

Fast and efficient medical support, reducing operational disruption from ‘Crew Health’ and Passenger ‘Fitness to Fly’ issues.

Being responsible for the health of crew while they are away from home and for passenger ‘fitness to fly’ issues requires the support of a specialist company. One that can provide you with 24 hour medical advice and access to the most appropriate medical facilities matched to your routes and destinations.


Maintaining your ‘duty of care’ with regard to crew health

Protecting the health of your flight and cabin crew is paramount. We help ensure that you fulfil your duty of care to crew who are taken ill while abroad and also minimize the disruption to flights – with a professional medical support service that is tailored to your operational needs.


We understand that it is vitally important for operational teams to know when a crew member is taken ill so they can organize replacement staff as soon as possible. We also understand that it is crucial for them to know when a crew member is likely to be available for duty again and to provide the medical care that will expedite that process.


Support for crew who are feeling unwell
Whether crew feel unwell or simply have health concerns while abroad, we will provide you with a dedicated 24/7 helpline for their exclusive use, giving them immediate access to a doctor or nurse for help and advice and arranging appointments with appropriate physicians if needed.


Support for crew with more serious conditions
For more serious conditions, we will make all necessary local arrangements to get them to a suitable hospital; a registered nurse will actively manage their case from beginning to end to ensure that they receive high quality, appropriate treatment and that costs are never unnecessarily inflated. If medical evacuation or repatriation is needed, we have the expertise and global network to make all the necessary arrangements.


Assessing passengers’ fitness to fly

In-flight medical emergencies can often be reduced by screening passengers with existing medical conditions in advance of them flying. Our knowledge and experience in aviation medicine means we are well qualified to provide your staff with a fast and accurate screening and assessment service, reducing the risk of in-flight medical emergencies and the likelihood of costly and unnecessary medical diversions. Our service includes:


Gate Clearance
If a passenger is feeling unwell or is showing signs of illness prior to boarding their flight, your ground and gate staff can access a dedicated 24 hour medical helpline for a rapid decision on whether the passenger is fit to fly or not.


Medical Clearance
We can also provide you with a rapid medical clearance service for passengers seeking fitness to fly approval in advance of traveling. We will assess the medical information provided and advise your staff of the passenger’s fitness to fly and whether there should be any pre-conditions to travel such as in-flight oxygen, a medical escort or a delay in travel plans.